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Search by BelAmi Models
Andre Boleyn
Andre has the cutest smile we've enjoyed in years, with a radiant personality. He is half-Gypsy (or Roma) although he doesn't look it; G. Duroy feels he looks more Latino or Spanish. However, Andre has faced some prejudice due to his heritage. This is a dark cloud in his life, but George says he handles it very well. In person, he can be very sweet and tender. During his first interviews he talked all about girls, but as soon as Andre began kissing boys he was instantly hard. Now he is not so sure about his heterosexuality (this happens to many of our boys). Andre exudes a sensuality on-camera that is quite special.
Update: Andre is now entering his 9th year here at BelAmi and still going strong and we think he is an even better performer now.
Click Movie List to see list of all movies with Andre Boleyn or choose second model from selection below to get list of all movies with both models.
Orri Aasen
Misha Akunin
Rocco Alfieri
Peter Annaud
Adam Archuleta
Joaquin Arrenas
Chase Austin
Jason Bacall
Sven Basquiat
Boris Beckham
Scott Bennet
Kieran Benning
Joel Birkin
Jean-Luc Bisset
Johnny Bloom
Jack Blue
Timothy Blue
Erik Bouna
Tim Campbell
Pip Caulfield
Serge Cavalli
Damian Chapelle
Sascha Chaykin
Jason Clark
Arne Coen
Jim Collins
Tony Conrad
Billy Cotton
Gary Danton
Sean Davis
Danny Defoe
Zac DeHaan
Dario Dolce
Nate Donaghy
Felix Dowoni
Bastian Dufy
Jim Durden
Jamie Durrell
Liam Efron
Roald Ekberg
Miguel Estevez
Kris Evans
Jerome Exupery
Jordan Faris
Vadim Farrell
Marcel Gassion
Phillipe Gaudin
Felix Gaul
Mael Gauthier
Ennio Guardi
Luke Hamill
Jerry Hannan
Jack Harrer
Colin Hewitt
Harris Hilton
Tom Houston
Julien Hussey
Helmut Huxley
Rhys Jagger
Phil Jarreau
Brian Jovovich
Andrei Karenin
Jim Kerouac
Hoyt Kogan
Raf Koons
Ryan Kutcher
Ronny Lamarr
Dolph Lambert
Roger Lambert
Rick Lautner
Antony Lorca
Mick Lovell
Christian Lundgren
Dylan Maguire
Brandon Manilow
Matthew McEwan
Paul Mekas
Austin Merrick
Dennis Mikkelsen
Jeff Mirren
Jeroen Mondrian
Billy Montague
Gino Mosca
Alan Mosca
Florian Nemec
Raphael Nyon
Alex Orioli
Tom Pollock
Scott Reeves
Manuel Rios
Todd Rosset
Marc Ruffalo
Steve Russell
Max Ryder
Justin Saradon
Milan Sharpe
Steve Skarsgaard
Claude Sorel
Nils Tatum
Mario Texeira
Lance Thurber
Matt Thurman
Benoit Ulliel
Torsten Ullman
Nino Valens
Jaco Van Sant
Ariel Vanean
Enrique Vera
Kevin Warhol
Alex Waters
Trevor Yates
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